St. Clair County Boys Ranch
Pell City, Alabama
In 1975, Mr. Ira Hanks donated land for our St. Clair County Boys Ranch. The campus includes 3 ranch homes, an office, gym, fishing pond, swimming pool, chapel, 2 staff houses, a horse barn, and various support buildings.
The St. Clair County Boys Ranch was newly reopened in summer of 2022. The boys attend schools in Pell City and are involved in extracurricular activities such as sports, band, and various clubs. The ranch family is active in a local church, where they participate in various youth programs, as well as camps, retreats, and mission trips.
CONTACT INFORMATION Physical Address: 15 Ira Hanks Drive
Pell City, AL 35128
Phone: (205) 390-0717
Email: stclairranch@alsyr.org